


BOS and HNL Airports

Hawaiian Airlines offer direct and indirect flights from Boston to Hawaii. The flight will depart from the airport “Boston Logan International Airport (BOS)” i.e. Boston and will arrive at the airport “Daniel K. Inouye International Airport (HNL)” i.e. Hawaii.

How long do the flights from Boston take to reach Hawaii?

The direct flight takes 11-12 hours. The indirect flights will take 2-3 hours more (subject to the number of stops). The direct flight will cover a distance from 5,000 miles i.e. Boston to Hawaii.

How one can get the best deals for flights boarding to Hawaii from Boston?

The price may vary on the nature of the flight i.e. one-way or roundtrip, direct or indirect. The fare may be different for different classes. One should subscribe to the E-mail notification service to get updates about the best deals and offers.

What time can be considered to be the best one to travel to Hawaii from Boston?

Spring and Fall seasons can be considered to be the best ones to travel to Hawaii from Boston. One can book the tickets in advance or as early as possible. One can also book the tickets when the booking demand is very less.


Can I book my flight boarding to Hawaii from Boston in advance flights?

Can I book my flight boarding to Hawaii from Boston in advance flights?

  • You will get cheaper tickets.
  • You can choose the desired seats.
  • The chances of ticket confirmation are more.
Baggage Instructions for Travellers

Hawaiian Airlines has a standard baggage policy for travelers. The baggage charges depend upon the arrival and departure destinations. One needs to pay the baggage charges online or offline at the airport. The charges for the baggage are as under:

Bags Neighbor Islands North America International & First Class
One $25 $30 Nil
Two $35 $40 Nil
Three or more (Each Bag) $50 $100 150

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